The Young Democrats of Nevada are committed to progress throughout the Silver State. We believe that it's upon us, as young democrats, to inform our community about the needs of the next generation of leaders in order to build a strong future.
We will push forward bold initiatives on the climate, jobs & the economy, voting rights, and so much more all while strengthening our coalition of young & diverse democrats.
We acknowledge that we can't do this on our own, so get involved with our team and help make a difference!

Maria isn’t battle born but she is battle tested. She was born in El Estado de México, México, and is the first undocumented person to sit in the role of President at Young Democrats of Nevada.
As a DACA recipient, her life experiences have led her to advocate for and uplift Latino families through policy work and organizing. She has worked on numerous campaigns for local and statewide elected officials, led policy initiatives, and held key roles at nonprofits that mobilize Latino voters. In early 2023, she served as the Legislative Aide to Assemblyman Max Carter, where she continued building relationships with elected officials while navigating legislative hurdles in a split government. She later joined the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada in the Government Affairs Department!